Contractors & Builders

Contractors & Builders

Gabriel and Tempo Designs have over 40 years of experience in every aspect of design and building. They are comfortable fitting in anywhere in your workflow.


Contractors & Builders

Gabriel McKeagney is an award-winning Master Wood Designer who has recently relocated from San Juan Capistrano, California to Nashville, Tennessee. He has over 40 years of experience in creating architectural elements for bars, pubs, hotels, and luxury homes. Gabriel's unique approach combines traditional and modern CNC design techniques to create stunning, custom pieces that will elevate the atmosphere of any establishment. Contractors and builders looking for high-quality wood designs that will make their projects stand out should consider working with Gabriel. With his expertise and portfolio of beautiful pieces, Gabriel can bring their vision to life and create an environment that is both functional and visually stunning - and on budget. Contact Gabriel today to learn more about how he can help enhance your project with his unmatched wood design skills.

Custom Architectural Elements

Gabriel has decades of experience specializing in repeatable, economical, custom architectural elements, including ceilings, walls, and doors for the most prestigious names and discerning, luxury tastes in the hospitality and entertainment industries, as well as for luxury home interior designers. He has worked on large-scale projects for clients including: The Hard Rock Cafe, Morongo Casino, The Mission Basilica (San Juan Capistrano restoration), Yelp (San Francisco headquarters), Caesar’s Palace and other major casinos (Las Vegas, NV).